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You wanted to know my WHY

love your life Feb 28, 2023

I'm often asked what Wear Your Life Well means to me. It represents much more than my brand. It's my personal philosophy; more than that it's my manifesto. It represents my intention to cultivate a life and style that I can be proud of.

You see style is much more than fashion. It's how you express your essence in everything you do - the way you walk and talk and think and behave. Its how you do YOU.

Wear Your Life Well is also a means to dress for the exact experiences and feelings you want more of in your life. Your clothing is your second skin - and extension of your energy field. When you feel good about how you look you'll reflect that energy and it will be reflected right back to you.

It's also about living with intention and purpose, it means taking the time to reflect on what matters to you, and then making conscious decisions that align with your values. It means taking care of yourself both physically and mentally and being aware of how you're spending your time and energy, making sure that it's bringing you joy and fulfillment. 

The best advice I can give you ( I speak from my own experience) is to accept and appreciate yourself just as you are. Right here, right now.

Give yourself permission to simply BE the truest version of yourself and present her to the world, the end result is feeling more confident about who you are today and the woman you will be tomorrow. Until we take our final breath there is always a next level.

When you finally acknowledge that you are a woman of worth and you deserve to be the highest expression of yourself  you'll feel whole and happy. That is when the magic starts happening.

Ultimately, I want you to recognize your inner beauty and strength, rather than constantly be beating yourself up and striving for an unrealistic ideal to conform to certain beauty standards. I want you to be kinder to yourself and understand your enough-ness. I want you to know you're not alone. I want you to think about being happy in your own skin - and that's no small achievement.

Copyright: Helene Oseen 2023