You + Me + 2021
Dec 31, 2020
Look. You're still here.
If you're new here, welcome. These musing posts are a bit of a hodgepodge of things that have crossed my path and what's on my mind. The fact that you read them makes me incredibly happy-slash-grateful-slash-misty.
I want to say thanks. I appreciate you.
If 2020 has been hard for you, know that you're not alone. Together we've come through a dark year, at times many of us were hanging by the thinnest of threads. Maybe we'll see life resume in a more normal fashion next year, maybe not.
Everyone is grieving or feeling some sort of loss. And trying on the reality of spending days on end wearing the same lulu's as the day before rarely results in feeling good about yourself.
During December I asked myself and important question about my derailed dreams.
Why bother?
There's a lot to process, to think about.
What I've learned is that by tapping into my creativity and digging deep into my *want-to* I found the energy to move forward. Even though it may not feel like it, these changes usher in a new opportunity to design the life I want in 2021.
My mantra *Consume less. Create more.* will remind me to live what I can control, especially when the world seems in such dire straits.
This is what I want you to know. We are a community. You and me makes us a we. Together, we'll get through it and wear our lives well, with grace and grit.
I'll be here to lift you up. To motivate, coach, teach, mentor, inspire and guide you.
I believe in you.
Believe in yourself. Believe in what can be. As long as you believe in yourself there will always be a way to reclaim the beauty of your dreams. Believe that you are capable. Believe that you are worthy. Believe that you are strong.
Because you are.
I don't know about you, but I think this calls for a glass of bubbles. I think it's worth a celebration when someone decided to double-down on themselves.
2020 is *so last year*.
PS. If 60 is the new 40 then 10:00 PM (which is typically when we go to bed) is the new midnight. This New Years Eve my husband Scottie and I will stay up in real time, not to see the new year in, but to make sure the old one leaves.
Copyright: Helene Oseen 2020