Say NO to Self-Doubt
Jan 03, 2021
After my last post for 2020, my in-box was flooded with responses. It made my heart happy especially since given that last month my mind was questioning *why bother* at all?
Cindy said "as always, I love your emails and you lift and inspire me". Jill told me it was her favourite message from all this year. Cristina quipped that apparently I can read minds too. Lisa said my musings and words of hope and positivity mean more than I may think.
Carole shared that 2020 taught her that growth is possible during the toughest of years. "I'm going to remember it as the year I discovered who I really am, what I want and what I want to wear (thanks for your guidance) when we're allowed to go out freely again."
If you haven't yet read You + Me + 2021 read it HERE. Take a few minutes to hear my heartfelt message to you about believing in yourself and what can be.
I often get asked " Helene how do you have the courage to share the good and the bad with people you don't even know?
Especially at first, it was hard for me to let myself feel vulnerable. Like many women, I grew up with the understanding that I was expected to be perfect. Anything less was not good enough.
It's easy to get caught up in the *perfectionist* trap. But being so focused on being perfect prevents us from living our truest life. This I know.
Yet, I wonder what people think of me. I worry I'll fall short of my goals. I worry about too much.
So my answer is simple, but not easy. I tell my stories and talk about my struggles because I believe my life reflects the common experiences we all share.
I don't believe we have one unique life purpose. I believe our purpose in this life is to show up REAL and fill our days with meaning.
When I wrote Wear Your Life Well: Lessons on the Journey to Your Truest Self I went through a journey of self-discovery and found a deeper understanding of who I am. I began to more fully live the authentic life I wanted. I made a comittment to encourage others to do the same. If I can have the courage to believe in myself, I'll make a difference in another woman's life. That's my power.
That's the power of you, too.
Always remember, life doesn't demand perfection. You can be happy if you don't live or look perfect. The only thing that matters is that you keep showing up for yourself.
Decide what you want. Trust that you can. Do it.
Ya you. You are incredible, but you're also human.
You needed to hear this today.
Copyright: Helene Oseen 2021