Go Gently into the New Year
Jan 03, 2024
Happy New Year.
There's something magical about the energy of a new year, isn't there? It's a fresh start, a clean slate, a chance to reimagine our lives and set new goals. But let's talk about the other side of it—the side that's often overshadowed by the frenzy of resolutions and planning.
I've always had this idea that by the time January 1st rolls around, I should have everything in my life neatly figured out and organized. I used to believe that a new year meant a fresh start, but that fresh start should come with a comprehensive plan and an impeccably organized to-do list. However, I've come to realize that life doesn't always work that way, and that's perfectly okay.
You see, I have BIG plans, and my to-do list is bigger than ever before. But as I've been navigating through these early days of the new year, I've also been learning to be kinder to myself. I've been learning to embrace the ebb and flow of life, and to give myself permission to be in the moments, whatever they look like.
Some days, I find myself beating myself up for not getting as much meaningful work done as I had hoped. Some days, I feel like I've accomplished nothing at all. And that's when I remember the importance of going with the flow. Instead of trying to control every aspect of my life, I remind myself to simply do what I can each day and to ease into what's going on in my life right now.
December was a whirlwind. It was filled with intense moments, both good and bad, exhilarating and devastating. But as I look back on it, I can't help but be grateful for the chaos. It's in those chaotic moments that we truly find ourselves, that we discover our resilience and strength.
So, I invite you to join me in embracing the chaos. Let's give ourselves permission to be imperfect, to have days when we accomplish less than we'd hoped, and to recognize that life doesn't always follow the plans we've made. Let's remember that self-care isn't just about bubble baths and spa days, but also about being kind and forgiving to ourselves.
As we journey through this new year, let's remind ourselves that it's okay to go with the flow, to let life unfold as it will. After all, it's in those unexpected moments that we often find the most beauty and growth.
Here's to a year filled with self-compassion, presence in the moment, and a whole lot of embracing the chaos as we make sense of what the universe is trying to tell us.
And here's to holding true to our vision of our life.
Copyright: Helene Oseen 2024