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Feeling the Fall Feels

love your life Oct 08, 2024

How are you today? Me, I'm feeling all the fall feels.

I'm writing this after just getting back from a walk along the Stanley Park Ridge, just a few steps from my home. I'm excited about the way the air and environment are shifting into autumn around me.I tend to do my best thinking on walks, and today, the crisp air reminded me why I love sweater weather so much. This year, in particular, I feel like a can breathe a little deeper and even found myself going out of my way just to stomp on the crunchy leaves in all their glory - orange ones - red ones - yellow ones and green ones that were all playing together in a gentle breeze. I felt  like a kid again. 

As I walked, I couldn't help but think about how we've entered another season. Where has the past year gone? Sometimes it feels like a blink and suddenly a whole month has passed. Do you feel that way too? The older we get, the quicker time seems to fly by. I guess there's truth to that saying "Time flies when you're having fun."

But wouldn't it be nice if time slowed down during the fun moments and sped up during the tough ones?

This past year, for me, felt like it stretched on forever. It's been a year of challenges - loss, illness and grief have been front and center. There were times when I thought it would never end. And yet, now I feel like I've come through it, like stepping through a wormhole and into a new space. 

As I watch the trees shed their leaves, it's a powerful reminder of how important it is to release what no longer serves me, so something new and more meaningful can grow. I'm slowly learning to let go that weigh me down, questioning old habits and limiting beliefs that may have overstayed their welcome. This process has given me a renewed sense of purpose, and I've even started journaling again because it refines my thinking. It's how I check in with myself, to really ask how I'm doing and figure out what's next. What do I need from myself, my work, my community? How do I want to show up in these areas of my life?

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about gratitude - what am I most grateful for? It's a grounding question, especially as we enter the season of thanksgiving. Even amidst the tough times, there's always something to be thankful for.

Sometimes it's big, sometimes small, but glimmer moments are always there, waiting to be noticed.

Happy Thanksgiving. My wish for you is that all your days are filled with glimmer moments. (A *glimmer moment* is a brief but uplifting experience that sparks joy, calm or connection in the midst of everyday life.)