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Colour Confidence is the New Black

fashion your style Oct 07, 2024

Want to stop wondering why we wear so much black? As an image expert, it's no surprise to me that many women have a tendency to over-rely on black in their wardrobes. There are several psychological and emotional factors at play when women gravitate toward black and avoid colour. In my opinion, it boils down to a few core reasons:

1. Safety and Security

Black is often seen as a *safe* choice. It's neutral, slimming, and doesn't draw attention to any specific area of the body. Psychologically, wearing black can create a feeling of security - it's a shield of sorts, making the woman who wears it feel less exposed. It's often used as a way to blend in or avoid standing out.

2. Authority and Power

Black is frequently associated with professionalism, authority and power. Women who seek to establish a strong, confident presence in professional or social settings may choose black because it conveys seriousness, strength and control. Historically, black is often worn in formal or high status situations, reinforcing this associate.

3. Cultural Conditioning

In many cultures black is considered a sophisticated and elegant colour. Think about classic fashion icons - Coco Chanel's little black dress or Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's - black became synonymous with timeless elegance. Over time, this cultural association has made black a go-to colour for women seeking refinement or understated glamour. 

4. Body Image and Confidence

For women who may feel insecure about their bodies, black is often seen as flattering and slimming. It minimizes perceived imperfections and can boost confidence by creating the illusion of a streamlined silhouette. It's a common choice for women who may struggle with body image and want to deflect attention away from themselves. 

5. Emotional State and Mood

Colour can reflect our emotions, and back is often associated with introspection, grief, or a desire to withdraw emotionally. Women who are going through challenging times might instinctively reach for black as a way to emotionally shield themselves from the outside world. It's also neutral zone in a time of emotional complexity - neither too vibrant nor too drab, offering emotional neutrality. 

6. Ease and Versatility

Black is simple and easy to style. It goes with everything, making it a no-brainer for women who may feel overwhelmed by the thought of choosing and coordinating colours. Psychologically, the ease of black allows them to focus on other things without the *mental load* of figuring out their wardrobe. For busy women, especially in midlife, this ease can been incredibly appealing.

I've been helping black-o-holic women break out of the too-much-boring-black habit for over 30 years. I encourage them to explore how they can still feel safe, empowered and confident in colour, while honouring their personality, energy and emotion.

And, I'll do the same for you. Soon I'll be launching a digital mini-course called COLOUR CONFIDENT that will help you understand which colours work best for you and why.