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What's in My Suitcase? Probably Too Much.

love your life Jan 29, 2025

Are you an over-packer? Ever caught yourself cramming 'just one more outfit' into your suitcase before a trip? My suitcase is open, and I’m staring at it, wondering what I’m going to take with me to Barbados. Actually, truth be told, I’ve been thinking about it for a while now. Because let’s be honest—packing isn’t just about what I’ll need; it’s about all the possibilities.

I'll admit it: I'm an over-packer. But it's not just because I'm indecisive (okay maybe a little). As a stylist, I know how to create a perfectly edited travel wardrobe—mix-and-match pieces, minimal shoes, light layers. In theory, I could breeze through airport check-in without so much as a glance at the baggage scale. But sometimes, logic goes out the window, and the “what ifs” take over.

That got me thinking—why do we do this? Why do so many of us overpack, even when we know better? Here’s what I’ve realized.

Overpacking for vacations is a common phenomenon, especially among women, and it's often rooted in a mix of practicality, anticipation, and emotional preparation. On a practical level, many of us want to be prepared for every possible scenario—what if the weather shifts? What if the outfit we planned doesn’t feel quite right in the moment? These "what ifs" can quickly lead to a suitcase bursting at the seams, fueled by a desire to ensure we’re ready for anything the trip might throw at us. I mean how can you not pack three back-up outfits for the day?

Psychologically, overpacking can also be tied to identity and self-expression. Vacations often represent an opportunity to step out of our daily routines, and for many women, the outfits we choose are a form of self-expression that matches the energy of new environments and experiences. Packing too much can stem from trying to align with the many versions of ourselves we anticipate being—adventurous, glamorous, casual, or carefree. There’s also an emotional layer of wanting to feel confident, comfortable, and capable in unfamiliar settings. In essence, overpacking isn’t just about the clothes; it’s about packing a sense of security and the freedom to be our fullest selves while away from home.

I still don't know exactly what I'm packing, but I do know what I'm not packing - my computer. This trip is officially a 'do absolutely nothing' vacation, with a few side trips here and there, very a la mood. We're not overloading the schedule with hikes, excursions, old ruin visit, or typical tourist stuff - though we might do some if the moment feels right. But honestly, Scottie and I would be perfectly happy with a simple itinerary: enjoying the company of dear friends we are vacationing with, conversations, cards, eat, beach, stroll, read novels, nap, eat, sleep, repeat. Anyone else relate?

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